PHOTODECOR is not only a firm, PHOTODECOR means us, two artist photographers: Basia and Marcin. Our goal is to create unique, technically perfect images i enjoying the fact that they are hanged on walls of your Gallery, home or company.
While realising passions, following subjects and projects we travel to many countries. Except images placed on the PHOTODECOR website we have in our archives huge collection of photographs – both magically colourful (e.g. from Burano) or black and white ones (e.g. Paris in autumn or Lisbon in winter). The striking effect of these pictures lies not only in the subject which is visible at first sight, but also in the fact that the images make you willing to get back to them in order to discover another layers of perception.
When you buy our photos – the original creations of our imagination and hard work – you become a patron of the arts and you help to develop artists’ creativity.
The main attribute of PHOTODECOR is absolute relibility. We ensure that you receive the best products with many years of guarantee.